high sheriff awards ceremony

This was a special event at the Old Shire Hall in Warwick to recognise some of the outstanding individuals and organisations, nominated by the public, working to make Warwickshire the best it can be. 34 individuals were honoured with a certificate from the High Sheriff.

Reflecting on the awards and his tenure as High Sheriff of Warwickshire, David Kelham said: “The number of wonderful people - paid public servants or volunteers - who do so much to keep Warwickshire working is awe inspiring. No matter how much time I spent out and about, I have been conscious from the beginning that I could not possibly meet or thank all who go above and beyond and so I asked for nominations from the public, through the High Sheriff Website and from organisations as I went around and have been stunned with the response. This reception in the old heart of the county town is a chance to say thank you to as many people as I could with a High Sheriff Award certificate.”

  • Date 04/04/2023
  • Time 18:30 to 20:30
  • Duration 1 Day