Inauguration Ceremony

My Inauguration Ceremony was held at the old Warwick Crown Court Buildings on April 2nd officiated by His Honour Judge John Saunders and the Warwickshire Lord Leuitenant, Tim Cox.  Surrounded by officials, friends and family I made my declaration under the Sheriffs Act 1887 to serve the Queen for my year in office.  This was followed by speeches by myself and the former High Sheriff,  Clare Hopkinson and ended with a prayer from the outgoing Chaplain, Norman Warren and the two incoming ones John and Ricarda Witcombe.  We retired to the beautiful Lord Leycester Hospital where I entertained my guests to a delicious lunch cooked by a local catering company, Bon App.

  • Date 02/04/2015
  • Time 00:00
  • Duration 1 Day