diary events

View the history of events partaken in by the High Sheriff

Warwickshire Justice Centre Visit - Crown Court

Warwickshire Justice Centre Visit - Crown Court

Warwickshire ABF Curry Lunch - MOD Kineton

Warwickshire ABF Curry Lunch - MOD Kineton

Royal Naval Association Warwick - Armed Forces Covenant Signing

Royal Naval Association Warwick - Armed Forces Covenant Signing

Coleshill Christmas Charity Fair and Church Visit

Coleshill Christmas Charity Fair and Church Visit

Coleshill Christmas Charity Fair and Church Visit

Coleshill Christmas Charity Fair and Church Visit

Atherstone Window Dressing and Christmas Lights

Atherstone Window Dressing and Christmas Lights

Side by Side Theatre

Side by Side Theatre

Visit to King's High Warwick

Visit to King's High Warwick

Visit to 2nd Warwick Sea Scouts

Visit to 2nd Warwick Sea Scouts

Shakespeare Hospice Light up a Life Carol Service

Shakespeare Hospice Light up a Life Carol Service

Kissing It Better Winter Ball

Kissing It Better Winter Ball

George Eliot Bi centenary-Westminster Abbey

George Eliot Bi centenary-Westminster Abbey